
Don’t F with FAB! is an arts advocacy campaign created to protect, preserve, and encourage growth of arts and cultural space in Somerville. We envision a city that values ample, affordable, and long-term space for all local creatives to create and share their work.

Our Goals

  • Engage and Empower the Arts and Creative Community.

    • Educate stakeholders on the history, purpose, and intent of FAB.

    • Advocate for the city to uphold FAB District protections.

  • Mobilize the Public to Support the Local Arts and Creative Community.

    • Create public awareness of arts and creative economy needs and impacts.

  • Advocate for More Affordable and Permanent Spaces
    for Arts and Cultural Use.

    • Encourage the inclusion of the arts community at tables regarding development or changes to FAB District property and parcels.

Don’t F with FAB! is a collaborative project of
residents/workers of the Somerville arts community and #ARTSTAYSHERE!

What We Believe

Arts, music, and culture is an enormous part of connecting, community, wellness, and economic development. The creative sector requires safe, affordable workspaces within Greater Boston to serve, collaborate with, and advance our overall ecosystem.

As cities and towns change, we must protect affordable creative workspaces. Arts & Creative Small Business stakeholders must be at the table regarding potential zoning changes and neighborhood development. We believe cities can develop responsibily, without causing arts displacement.